Our Plan Comparison Tool makes renewal season more manageable
Easily compare up to 4 medical plans side-by-side!
For years, it has driven me nuts that agencies are doing the same analysis work every year. I envision thousands of agents hunkered over carrier summaries trying to capture any slight change they may be making. What a waste of time and resources! Just think how many hours could be saved if I could help everyone with this task. I used to do this just for one agency, helping just a handful of agents. But why not help more? Maybe you might even have time to prospect during busy season – or even send out holiday cards! Give it a try!
- Sandy Wood, Chief Benefits Consultant, The Benefits Academy
It's that easy!
With TBA's Plan Comparison Tool you can:
Plans updated within 48 hour of carrier/trust availability. Discounted multiple licenses available. FAQ and Pricing Options View Sample Report View the latest plans added to the Tool |
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